Orion System

Pretty much everything you need to know about us!

-He/Him when in doubt-
-Collective name AJ/Atticus-
-DMs are always open-
-DNI: sexists, transphobes, homophobes, ableists, hateful assholes, anyone I've explicitly cut off (I will ignore you)-

"The Milky Way never knows
When one person dies
The universe won't hear
Your painstaked cries
Time, the worst of all
Goes on and on
Upon a circle
Upon a wall
It cares not of your woes or foes
Time couldn't care any less
If your sun ceased to glow


So, welcome to the 15 in one deal you just scored!
Here's the basic need-to-know stuff:
-Who is fronting should be in discord status but feel free to ask whenever!
-We'd appreciate being treated as individuals, how would you feel if I referred to you as everyone you shared a room with?-Don't force switch unless it's an emergency and a little or someone unfit to handle a serious situation is fronting! (and only do that if we're close)-Sometimes the system gets super inactive and/or we forget to log switches, only ask about this if close!


Here are the key points
1-Our immune system is seriously impaired, you have to be very careful. A flu for you could mean death for me
2-Visually impaired and severely hard of hearing. Seriously. We have major hearing loss.
3-Allergies! Allergies! Allergies! (page below will clarify)
4-Lot's of mental health things: Depression, Panic Attacks, Autism, PTSD. Be kind, and patient.
With all that said, all I ask of you is to ask questions if you have them, be careful, and reference the document linked below for any concerns!

This will be found at the end of our discord status, it's just a lil way to say how things are going
💚-perfectly awesome and epic and cool
💛-er, could be better pls be nice
🧡-mentally not great, positive distraction would be great
❤️-mental health tanked, offer support if capable pretty pls
❤️🩹-Medical emergency happening lol


In short, I have anaphylactic (literally could be dead in minutes) airborne (tiny specks of the food travel through the air, I breathe them in, I die) food allergies. Over 72 of them. You will hear me talk about this a lot. That is because it is a major aspect of my very living.
When it comes to food, always ask. Most of my allergies are at the level of severity top allergy specialists in the state are shocked by. I am the expert of my condition, I swear you do not know more about it than me. On that note, here are the general "rules"
-Have me check the ingredients of any food you'll be eating around me
-We will not hang out in places with lots of food
-Always wash your hands and face if you've eaten before hanging out with me
-If you want to cook for me, message me that's a whole conversation
-If you see an allergen of mine around, please tell me!
-If you don't know about something, ask!
Alright with allergies comes anaphylaxis, first things first, take a breath, stay calm, it'll be ok. I have had this happen a million times trust me. When symptoms first onset help me locate benedryl and my inhaler, if i'm struggling with the benedryl hand me 4. I may not need an epipen, let me be the judge of that. If I used an epipen every time I had a reaction I would singlehandedly fill a landfill with empty ones. Only search for an epipen if: I am blue, I have been passed out and struggling to breathe for more than 3 minutes, or if I say/gesture that I need it._________________________________________________________________________________________
These are my most severe allergies, labeled with severity:
All stone fruits: AIRBORNE. DEADLY.
-Citrus fruits-
Grapefruit, pomelo, and tangerine: AIRBORNE. DEADLY.
Other orange varieties: Not airborne, anaphylaxis upon ingestion or cross contamination
Limes and Lemons: chill lol
Berries: goji and acai airborne (not airborne ana tho) if its red im not dead if its blue i am too
Peanuts:Airborne. DEADLY
Pine nuts: NO.
Pecans and Walnuts: Anaphylaxis, not airborne, decent swelling with contact
Macadamia nuts: Anaphylaxis upon ingestion, delayed and big no breathe
Pistachios: No contact, anaphylactic
all rice varieties: moderate airborne, anaphylaxis upon ingestion, often delayed
All shellfish: AIRBORNE. DEADLY.
Dairy:caesin and whey; Anaphylaxis upon ingestion, severe symptoms with cross contamination, certain airborne, and touch
Kiwi, banana, avocado, latex: all more uncomfortable than deadly but still should avoid

Ok, enough of the boring stuff

Bart Bart!
His reddit is u/bartbartofficial
Full name:The All Powerful Bartholomew Bartlesby Destroyer of Realms and Conquerer of Men Baby Boy The First
Likes: Cucumbers, Berries, Crinkling bags, Head pats, Being wiggled, mischief, the color green
Dislikes: Litter box being changed, Sudden noises, getting in trouble for his crimes, Human not being awake at exactly 5 in the morning
DM for pictures anytime!

Ok fun facts lets go
-I'm an EMT Cadet
-I've collected over 200 monster cans
-I was born and spent the first years of my life in Florida
-Helping other people makes me happy
-I like to cook, but I hate recipes
-If I had a nickel for every time my car exploded, I'd have 5 cents
-I have a couch in my room that's always open
-I'm the definition of an extrovert
-I did most of my piercings myself

But I am here.
When you're not near
my sun doesn't shine as brightly
We're a speck on a speck on a speck
and yet
If your tiny imprint ever left
The hole in my heart, would tear my soul apart."